Starting a Business

If you are thinking about starting a business, but don't know where to begin, this free two hour workshop will take you through the essentials.
Business skills
Foundation workshop

Using Canva

This introductory level workshop will teach you how to create graphics for your social media, marketing materials and website using Canva.
Sales and marketing

How to Write a Business Plan

A business plan is a valuable document that helps you clarify your thinking, set a direction for your business and gain a deeper understanding of your market.
Business skills
Foundation workshop

Website Planning

This workshop will help you to determine what you want a website to do for your business. It will also explore the options to build it yourself or to engage professionals.
Business skills
Foundation workshop

Pricing to Make a Profit

This workshop will help you calculate your product pricing and explore strategies to maximise profitability.
Financial management

Writing Effective Policies and Procedures

Human Resource policies are a useful tool for employers to help manage their business and client needs. Learn how to write an effective HR policy to protect your business.
Business skills

Starting a Business

If you are thinking about starting a business, but don't know where to begin, this free two hour workshop will take you through the essentials.
Business skills
Foundation workshop

Understanding Business Financials

If you're new to business, this workshop will show you how to develop 'snapshot' measures (key performance indicators) of your business so you can make sure it stays on track financially.
Financial management
Foundation workshop

How to Start a Food Business

Starting your own food business involves more than just a love of food. There are many key steps to ensure you are set up for success.
Business skills

Small Business Health Check

Most businesses get into a rhythm doing the same thing day in, day out and often find it difficult to take time out of their routine to invest in self reflection and improvement.
Business skills