The Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC) is an independent statutory authority, established in 1984 under the Small Business Development Corporation Act 1983.

Enabling legislation

The Small Business Development Corporation Act 1983 provides for the establishment of the Small Business Development Corporation and Small Business Commissioner.

Within this Act, small business is defined as a business undertaking -

  1. which is wholly owned and operated by an individual person or by individual persons in partnership or by a proprietary company within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001 of the Commonwealth and which - 
    1. has a relatively small share of the market in which it competes; and
    2. is managed personally by the owner or owners or directors, as the case requires; and
    3. is not a subsidiary of, or does not form part of, a larger business or enterprise; or
  2. which is declared by the Governor by Order in Council pursuant to subsection (2) to be a small business for the purposes of this Act.

Our Minister

The Honourable Jackie Jarvis MLC, Minister for Small Business, has responsibility for the Small Business Development Corporation.

Our structure

We are governed by a Board of Management that meets monthly to discuss the strategic direction of the Corporation.

Our operational functions are overseen by Chief Executive Officer, Mr David Eaton, who is also Western Australia’s Small Business Commissioner.

For more information view our organisational structure.