Round 2 of the Builders’ Support Facility will give eligible residential builders in WA access to interest-free loans of up to $300,000 to help complete unfinished homes that were commenced prior to 1 July 2022.

In January this year, the Western Australian Government established a $10 million loan facility to assist residential builders to complete homes and get homeowners into their new dwellings.

The first round resulted in more than $5.8 million being allocated to eligible residential builders to assist in the completion of almost 100 homes. A second round of the facility will look to fully allocate the remaining funds.

The interest-free loan for residential builders will be paid in instalments to promote completions. A maximum of $300,000 (up to $60,000 per home) will be available to each successful applicant, repayable within five years from execution of the Deed of Loan. Each home for which a loan application under the Facility is successful must reach practical completion within 12 months from execution of the Deed of Loan.

Applications are now open

Applications for the Facility are now open and will close at 5pm (AWST) Monday, 7 October 2024. A limited amount of funding is available for the Facility and applications will be assessed on a “first come” basis. Eligibility criteria will apply. Program guidelines and terms and conditions are now available to help applicants prepare to submit their application.

The application process is being managed by the Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC), with the loan payments and repayments to be facilitated by the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (JTSI).

Start your application now in SmartyGrants

Tip: Funding is limited under the Facility and the interest-free loans under the Builders’ Support Facility are being offered on a “first come” basis to successful applicants. Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to read the Program Guidelines and begin preparing their documents before applications open on Monday, 26 August via this web page.

Round 2 Eligibility Criteria – Please note new dates in the criteria

To be considered for financial assistance, the applicant must meet all the following eligibility criteria:

  1. Have at least one unfinished Class 1a residential building in WA, that commenced construction prior to 1 July 2022, and has not reached practical completion by 18 August 2024.
  2. Is solvent and retains the capacity to complete the residential buildings subject to the application.
  3. Is a WA-based residential building business that has been in continuous operation in WA since 1 July 2020.
  4. Holds a WA Building Contractor registration without interruption since 
    1 July 2020.
  5. Holds a valid ABN and GST registration without interruption since 1 July 2020.
  6. All residential building sites subject to this application must be located in WA.
  7. Agree to the application Terms and Conditions.

Builders who applied in Round 1 of the Builders Support Facility may apply again for new properties in Round 2. 

Ineligible properties submitted in Round 1 will be automatically reassessed and no new application is required for these properties.  

Frequently asked questions

For more information about the Facility, please read the frequently asked questions.

Program guidelines

Download the Builders’ Support Facility program guidelines and terms and conditions to assist in preparing your Builders’ Support Facility application. These guidelines will contain the information you need for your application.

Tip: Download the document checklist to assist you in preparing this documentation.

How do I apply?

Applications for the Facility are now open. Applicants will be able to access the application portal (SmartyGrants) from this page. Applicants are encouraged to have their documentation prepared before commencing their application.

Start your application now in SmartyGrants

More help for your business

If you are facing financial or other challenges in your business, you can turn to the SBDC for help.